19.09.2023, Beirut, Lebanon
Thematic group meeting in Lebanon: Cross-sectoral dialogue during Beirut Energy Week 2023
Cool Up participated in the Beirut Energy Week (BEW) held in Beirut from 20-22 September. Cool Up’s country partner in Lebanon, the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC), hosted the Beirut Energy Week. The two-day event covered important topics around sustainability in Lebanon and the region through a number of dedicated sessions.
Cool Up used the Beirut Energy Week (BEW) hosted by Cool Up’s country partner in Lebanon, the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC), in Beirut to participate in a side event side on “Speeding Up Sustainable Cooling in an Ever-Warming World” with panellist including:
- E. Dr. Walid Fayad, Minister of Energy and Water, Lebanon
- E. Dr. Nasser Yassine, Minister of Environment, Lebanon
- Mazen Hussein, Project Manager, National Ozone Unit, UNDP/ Ministry of Environment, Lebanon
Cool Up also used the BEW event as an opportunity to invite stakeholders from policy, finance and industry sector to its annual Advisory Committee and Thematic Group Meeting (TGM). Thematic Group Meetings (TGM) are organized by the Cool Up programme to provide a platform for key stakeholders from different sectors to exchange knowledge and discuss jointly how to overcome barriers in the sustainable cooling transition. H.E. Dr. Walid Fayad (Minister of Energy and Water, Lebanon) and H.E. Dr. Nasser Yassine (Minister of Environment, Lebanon) have jointly participated the meeting focusing on the synergies of the two ministries via Cool Up.
Organisations participating in the BEW included:
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Industry
- Banque de l’Habitat
- Internal Security Forces
- Libnor
- Ministry of Energy and Water
- Electricite du Liban (EDL)
- Lebanesse Army
- World Energy Council (London Secretariat)
- Sureté Générale
- Ministry of Economy and Trade
- Higher Council for Customs
- Directorate General For Urban Planning
- Banque du Liban (BDL)
- Ministry of Education and Higher Education
- Prime Minister Office (PMO)
- Zahrani Oil Installations
- Tripoli Oil Installations
- EgyptERA
- EgyptERA
- EMRC/ Jordan
- EMRC/ Jordan
- ERE/ Albania
- ERE/ Albania
- Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority
- University of Sussex
- Beirut Arab University
- Lebanese American University
- Universite Saint Joseph
- Notre Dame University
- Lebanese International University
- Segula/ France
- American University of Beirut
- Ezzat Jallad & Fils
- Jubaily Bros
- Kypros
- Solarwind Middle East
- Midware Data Systems-Ecosys
- Phoenix Energy
- Metasol
- Manalco SME
- GreenWise SME
- ME Green SME
- Green Essence SME
- Earth Technologies
- RCG International
- Ultra Tech SME
- Zmerly & Co
- Power and Green
- Takom Energy
- US Embassy
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Citizenl Law Firm
- CEO- Energroup- Masdar City
- Program Director- Energy Peace Partners
- Founder and CEO-Windmills
- Senior Programme Officer- GWP-MED
- Director- CNRS
- President- LSES
- Senior Technical Manager- AUC
- Urban Planning and Design Unit Manager- UN-Habitat
- Program Manager- IECD
- Energy Expert
- Program Director- Arab Reform Initiative
- Expert on Energy and Climate Policy- Global Solar Council
- Journalist- Annahar Newspaper
- Advisory Board Member- LOGI
- Energy Finance Professional
- Acting Director General- MoI
- Representative to Lebanon-EIB
- Resident Representative Lebanon office- IMF