Action hubs


The 11th HVAC Mediterranean Congress, Climamed 2024, integrated in the 3 years cycle of REHVA related conferences (Clima, Climamed and Cold Climate), is under the responsibility of a set of ve five HVAC associations of Southern Europe countries, that assure the membership of the respective countries in REHVA:

– AICARR (Associazione Italiana di Condizionamento dell’Aria, Riscaldamento e Refriger), from Italy;

– AICVF (Association des Ingénieurs et techniciens en Climatique, Ventilation et Froid), from France;

– ATECYR (Asociación Técnica Española de Climatización y Refrigeración), from Spain;

– OE (Ordem dos Engenheiros), from Portugal;

– TTMD (Turkish Society of HVAC and Sanitary Engineers), from Türkiye.