Action hubs


Policy and regulation thematic group meeting

The first policy and regulation thematic group meeting was held online with 41 participants from the public sector. Mr. Khaled Nakhleh from the Ministry of Energy and Water and Ms. Samar Malek from the Ministry of Environment gave the welcome remarks. An overview of the programme’s activities was presented in this meeting with the main focus on the policy theme. The discussions then revolved around policy support actions to implement the Kigali Amendment and reduce cooling demand in Lebanon.

Technology and markets thematic group meeting

The technology and markets thematic group meeting took place online with 43 participants. Representatives from different key stakeholders were present including retailers, energy experts, and bankers. Participants were engaged and interested in Cool Up’s progress and were curious to learn about Cool Up’s activities in their respective sectors.

Stay tuned

In the coming months, Cool Up will publish several reports dedicated to sustainable cooling in Lebanon including a Cooling Sector Status Report and a Regulatory Analysis Report. The next round of thematic group meetings is anticipated to take place in the third quarter of 2022 and will focus on obtaining additional input and engagement from public and private sector stakeholders on upscaling sustainable cooling in Lebanon.