Action hubs


Jordan’s National Cooling Strategy was launched on March 20th with the Jordanian Ministry of Environment and the support of the Cool Up programme. It aims to address the cooling needs of the country in a sustainable and efficient manner.

During the hybrid meeting, the working group shared the first draft of the NCS, which outlines a roadmap for optimizing cooling technologies, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing environmental impacts. The input received from stakeholders will be carefully considered to refine and strengthen the strategy further.

The discussions will feed into the forthcoming National Cooling Action Plan, which will outline specific measures and implementation timelines. This plan is expected to provide a clear framework for achieving the goals set forth in the NCS.

As the process continues, the Ministry of Environment and the Royal Scientific Society remain dedicated to fostering collaboration and incorporating valuable feedback to ensure the successful implementation of the National Cooling Strategy and its subsequent action plan.

Get some insights of the stakeholder meeting by watching the video.