21 May 2024 - Cairo, Egypt
Kick-off of Egypt`s National Cooling Action Plan
Egypt`s National Cooling Action Plan (NCAP) got kicked-off by the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) and the National Ozone Unit (NOU) in close collaboration with Cool Up.
The kick-off event took place on 21 May in Cairo and has been hosted by Cool Up`s country partner, the Integrated Development Group – IDG – IDG, in close collaboration with the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) and the National Ozone Unit (NOU) and Cool Up’s regional partner the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), along with the UN Environment Programme and under the Cool Coalition framework supported by the Climate & Clean Air Coalition.
The NCAP provides a solution by aligning political will, leveraging national and international agendas, and setting actionable targets to ensure access to cooling while minimizing environmental impact and maximizing socioeconomic benefits.
A ministerial decree no. 50 has been issued on 12/03/2024 by the Minister of Environment to form a national committee for sustainable cooling headed by the CEO of EEAA and includes IDG as the main country partner for Cool Up in Egypt.
Participants included over 50 attendees from policy, technology, industry, and finance stakeholders, alongside with the official steering committee members from the ministries of environment (Climate Change Department, International Cooperation Department, and NOU experts), as well as representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Electricity and Renewable Energy, Housing, Utilities and New Urban Communities, Commerce and Industry and IDG. Additionally, members from the Chamber of Engineering Industries and the Egyptian General Authority for Standards and Quality (EOS) attended the kick-off.
Cool Up is working with Cool Coalition on developing the NCAP. Speakers from UNEP and RCREEE participated in the event. The official steering committee, GH, Öko-Recherche members, UNDP, and Cool Coalition project representatives discussed the vision, mission, methodology, best practices, and benefits of NCAP activities in Egypt and how NCAP will help Egypt identify ways to reduce energy-related emissions from cooling in line with plans related to refrigerant emissions.
Pictures from the NCAP Kick-off meeting: