Action hubs


The policy training session provided an in-depth look at sustainable cooling policies, focusing on the global frameworks of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. Cool Up’s consortium partner Öko-Recherche presented key global policies on sustainable cooling, while RSS introduced Jordan’s national policies and the progress of Jordan’s National Cooling Strategy and National Cooling Action Plan. The session also included a detailed discussion on the European Union’s implementation of the Kigali Amendment and insights into F-gas policy regulations.

20 participants from the Jordan Chamber of Industry (JCI), the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply, the Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization (JSMO), the Vocational Training Corporation (VTC), the Jordan Customs Department, MEMR and the Jordanian-Korean Institute attended the meeting. Participants actively engaged in an open discussion, sharing their experiences and debating the challenges and opportunities related to implementing sustainable cooling policies at both global and national levels.