Progress, Opportunities, and Insights
MENA Region Cooling Status Report - Issue 1
A peak inside the report
The aim of this report is to look beyond the four Cool Up partner countries to show developments in sustainable cooling with a high-level perspective and broad geographic scope across the whole region. As this report is the first of a series of six MENA Region Cooling Status Reports, it is intended to set the scene, whereas future issues will focus on particular aspects of sustainable cooling or related topics. In all reports, we aim to show valuable developments, insights, and good practice examples regarding sustainable cooling in the region. Our goal is to close knowledge gaps by addressing four perspectives of sustainable cooling: policy, technology, markets, and finance. In addition, the report provides a basis on which regional experts can share valuable insights and perspectives.
Check out the Executive Summary for a quick overview of the report.

This section addresses regional developments surrounding the Montreal Protocol and Kigali Amendment, national plans and strategies linked to cooling, as well as related laws and bylaws, codes, and standards relevant to the RAC sector. Abu Dhabi’s district cooling regulatory framework is provided as an example.
This section aims to provide a high-level overview of the regional space cooling market and takes a closer look at the predominant air conditioning technologies of the region. Two field examples showcase the high potential and importance of sustainable cooling and natural refrigerants for the region.
This section gives an overview of the financing landscape of the region and presents international financial institutions and support programmes that are relevant to finance sustainable (cooling) projects. The Sustainable Energy Initiative of the EBRD is shown as an example for a national support programme.
average temperature increase across the MENA region by 2050
in the MENA region have ratified the Kigali Amendment
global demand for AC systems in 2018 from MENA region
Opinion piece with regional experts
In an interview with Guidehouse, experts Nabil Shahin and James Walters of the Air-Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) share their thoughts on sustainable cooling in the MENA region, including their perspective on how the cooling market of tomorrow will look like and which role natural refrigerants will play in the future.
AHRI is the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute, a trade association representing manufacturers of HVACR and water heating equipment within the global industry.
"In terms of cooling products like air conditioners, this region has unique requirements. And so, the design of air conditioners that come to this region is always different than the ones that are sold in the rest of the world."
PublisherGuidehouse Germany GmbH |
AuthorsAlexander Pohl, Jan Grözinger, Katja Dinges, Kristen Brand, Markus Offermann, Nesen Surmeli-Anac, Eslam Mohamed Mahdy Youssef (Guidehouse) Sanjeev Tamhane, Zuhal Ürgüplü Sanal (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) Ahmed Khalil, Ahmed Abdelrasoul, Khuzama Wardeh, Mohamed Abdelhameed (RCREEE) |