Progress, Opportunities, and Insights
MENA Region Cooling Status Report - Issue 2
To fill knowledge gaps and share information about sustainable cooling across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, the MENA Region Cooling Status Report looks beyond the four Cool Up partner countries to show developments in sustainable cooling with a high-level perspective and broad geographic scope across the whole region. This report is the second of a series of six MENA Region Cooling Status Reports which provides an update on progress, opportunities, insights of sustainable cooling and related topics.
Our goal is to close knowledge gaps by addressing four perspectives of sustainable cooling: policy, technology, markets, and finance. In addition, the report provides a basis on which regional experts can share valuable insights and perspectives.
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A peak inside the report
In this second edition of the MENA Region Cooling Status Report, we look at how Türkiye and countries across MENA are progressing in the transition to sustainable cooling solutions. In addition to providing an overview of the region’s cooling technology, policy, and finance landscapes, the 2023 report shines a spotlight on some examples of how sustainable solutions are being implemented across MENA, Türkiye, and other parts of the world.
Get an overview of what's inside the report in this executive summary

There are several policy-based approaches being adopted by governments across MENA and Türkiye to support sustainable cooling solutions, including phasing down the use of F-gases, improving the energy efficiency of buildings and cooling technologies, and deploying passive cooling solutions. Interest in sustainable cooling policies, such as National Cooling Action Plans (NCAPs), is growing across the region.
With greater emphasis being placed on sustainable cooling, the region’s technology landscape will need to adjust accordingly. Regional manufacturers will need to develop and commercialise super-efficient equipment that use climate-friendly refrigerants, and the necessary policies and finance must be in place to ensure adoption of these technologies.
Access to finance is key to scale up the use of sustainable cooling solutions, however there are relatively few regional examples of financial mechanisms that demonstrate how to support the transition to these technologies and greater investment is needed.
with regional experts
on the status of sustainable cooling in the region
in the report give an overview on the report insights
"Energy-efficient cooling systems can use up to 50% less energy than traditional systems, and natural refrigerants have a much lower GWP than F-gases. Additionally, passive cooling techniques, such as shading and natural ventilation, can reduce the need for mechanical cooling systems altogether."
PublisherGuidehouse Germany GmbH |
Lead authorAlexander Pohl (Guidehouse) Contributing authors: Katja Eisbrenner, Nesen Surmeli-Anac (Guidehouse), Nidal Abdalla (Royal Scientific Society), Ceren Ozkan, Gokcen Asan (United Nations Development Programme Türkiye) Lead design:Alexander Pohl (Guidehouse) (implemented by SCOPE, a division of NETCOMPANY-INTRASOFT S.A.)